Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the MOS job for the army soldier who is the Hummer driver?

I was wondering if this is a specific MOS or just 11x infantry and you just switch around who is driving. Most info i have about the army or any military is band of brothers and generation kill. But I am very interested in joining, probably as a wheeled vehicle mechanic, but I really would like to see combat.

Please excuse my ignorance and thanks for any info.

-David|||There isn't necessarily a specific HMMWV (Humvee) driver job. While there are Motor Transport Operator (MOS 88M) jobs, that doesn't mean you will drive Humvees exclusively. Just about anyone can drive a Humvee if they are licensed for one. MP's, Communications, Medics, and all sorts of personnel who don't have "driver" as their job description drive Humvees.|||88M|||MOS are pretty generic regarding driving. For the Marines and Army you'll get a rating when you do an engineer or mechanic MOS but it's part of your IF training.|||almost everyone in the army has a liscence to drive a humvee.

each squad uses its own guys to drive. if you're in a infantry platoon, it will be an infantryman driving (11x is infantry recruit, once you hit training you'll be made either an 11b or an 11c). if your in a supply unit, it will be 88Ms or other support MOSs driving.

if your in a cav scout platoon it will be 19Ds driving

im sure you get the point

as for how they handle who exactly drives: thats a unit by unit thing. some units make their new guys drive so the "old timers" can take care of manning the turret and being able to do dismount. others use an experience specialist who's less likely to hit something or flip the vehicle or get stuck than a FNG (F'n New Guy) is. its a unit by unit issue.|||The driver of a vehicle in a particular unit is typically one of the soldiers in that unit that was chosen to drive. 88M's are not typically assigned to infantry units to drive a HMMWV or Fire Fighting units to drive the fire truck.

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