Sunday, September 18, 2011

What army mos is a hummer gunner or a mrap gunner or just a vehicle gunner on top with the turret?

just wondering if im rite is it topCavalry Scout (19D)|||Any MOS can be a gunner on a vehicle. There is not particular MOS assigned to it. Anyone can train for it, its rather easy.

If you are in Infantry platoon, the gunner will be Infantryman. If you are mechanic and need to roll out you can end up on the gun.|||It's not an MOS, it is a position any Soldier can do. No matter what MOS you have, you may find yourself in a convoy and they'll put you in the gunner's hatch. Even some females spent time up there pulling security. You have a better chance doing it in a combat arms job than in a support job.|||thats no particular MOS, but 11B and 19D would be the most likely to be doing it.

Someone in the truck will be manning the gun, so if you've got nothing but a truck full of cooks or something, then you'll have a cook on the gun.|||There's no specific required MOS for that, I was an 88M(wheeled vehicle op.) and was issued a Mk19 and M2 and operated both on my Hemmtt and Hmmwv.|||im not too sure..

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